FalcoX Switch Modes Described
FalcoX features a growing list of available modes for our amazing family of pilots to use. Some are self explanatory and others may require more of a description to use properly. Modes come in 2 variations, Switch and Slider. This refers to what you have the mode set to. For example LED’s work very well on the slider so you can vary the color. To set a mode scroll through the options with the roll and the move down to set switch with the pitch.
- Quopa– This is the flip over after a crash mode, ie turtle mode. Quopa was the evil turtle villain in the Mario Brothers video game and that is where the name came from. There are two variations of this mode auto and full manual (default). Just a note of caution, if you tried either one of these methods and the quad is not moving or you can see the propellers are stuck, continuing to try and flip over may burn a motor.
- Full auto does not need a switch. To set auto mode go to the General menu and change Quopa Type to auto. When you are flying and crash upside down, disarm, and then the next time you arm FalcoX knows you are upside down and will flip you over and stop when you are upright. Then disarm and arm to fly away!
- In manual mode disarm, then arm quopa. When you rearm you will see Quopa Armed in the OSD if you have the Arm Status enabled in the OSD. Now move the sticks the direction you want the quad to flip over. You can roll left or right as well as pitch forward or back.
- Buzzer On-This mode enables the standard 5V buzzer to turn on. The buzzer must be connected to the Buz- and Buz+ pads on the flight controller. This will not work with Hellgate or 3 wire buzzers.
- Pin Toggle-This mode is basically an electric switch. This feature is used for pit switches and 3 wire type buzzers like the Hellgate. How to connect this will be in another post.
- Motor Beep-This mode is very similar to Buzzer On, but uses the Dshot command to make your motors beep. You must have a DSHOT ESC protocol selected for this mode to work. You can increase the volume level in the Bl heli 32 suite under the value beacon Strength.
- Shaun Launch-This is the same as the Launch mode below, but you must maintain the pitch angle with your stick. If you let go, then the quad will go back to flat.
- Launch Mode– This mode is used to pitch the quad forward on the start blocks for that super fast start to beat your buddies. Launch mode disables the roll and Yaw until the throttle reaches 15% to prevent you from falling off the blocks. It also disables the front 2 motors to prevent you from going backwards! Once armed you pitch forward to the angle you like, which can be displayed in your OSD using the “Launch” variable. If you let go of the pitch stick your quad will stay at that angle.
- Kill Switch– This mode can be used to fully disable a quad, once used the quad can’t be rearmed until power cycled. There are few restrictions and notes:
- Requires that the quad was flown for at least 2 seconds and the mode is inactive before being active.
- Kill switch also sets TX4 to low if a pin toggle is being used.
- If using Smart Audio 2.1 or Tramp Telemetry, the VTX will be disabled so that it doesn’t output video.
- If using Smart Audio 2, the vtx will go to 25mw and the specified kill channel set in the OSD video page.
- VTX On– This mode allows the VTX to be toggled on and off via a switch. This has a different function depending on what kind of Smart Audio or Tramp telemetry you have connected to TX3.
- For All Smart Audio V2 VTX’s
- When selected on, the VTX will come out of pit mode, and set power to last power level saved. When it is off, it sets the VTX to 25mW
- For All Smart Audio v2.1 VTX’s
- When selected on the power is set to the last user saved power level, and removes VTX from Pit mode. When it is off, it enables Pit Mode.
- For Tramp VTX’s
- When on enables Video transmission. When selected off it disables video transmission.
- When on enables Video transmission. When selected off it disables video transmission.
- For All Smart Audio V2 VTX’s
- Self Level-Self level mode levels the quad in both pitch and roll when the sticks are centered. This mode also has an angle limit to prevent you from flipping or rolling over! To adjust the max angle, assign Self Level to a switch. Then save on the last page. Now go to your Rate page and cycle through the Yaw, Pitch and Roll and you should come to Self Level. Here you can change the max angle.
- COB On– This mode enables COB LED’s. These lights are used in some racing circuits.
- Drone Enable-This mode will allow the quad to only arm when active. When the quad receives a signal other than the signal set for ENABLE, the quad will NOT arm. This can be used to setup drones for team racing, procedure discussed on another article. This mode will also affect your VTX if it uses Smart Audio and is connected to TX3 on the FC. With Smart Audio 2.0m your VTX will go into Pit mode. On Smart Audio 2.1, your VTX will go to Pit mode.
- Profile 1-Switch to Profile 1. This will not switch if you have a profile tied to a battery type.
- Profile 2-Switch to Profile 2. This will not switch if you have a profile tied to a battery type.
- Profile 3-Switch to Profile 3. This will not switch if you have a profile tied to a battery type.